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Lead Sulphohalides

The following sulphohalides of lead are known: PbS.PbCl2, PbS.4PbCl2, PbS.PbBr2, PbS.4PbBr2, PbS.4PbI2. No sulphofluoride is known.

Lead Sulphochlorides - It is well known that when hydrogen sulphide gas is passed into a solution of a lead salt containing much hydrochloric acid a dark red precipitate is obtained, which turns black if the solution is diluted and hydrogen sulphide is again passed into it. This red compound is a lead sulphochloride which was originally supposed to be 3PbS.2PbCl2, but is very probably PbS.PbCl2. Another sulphochloride, having the composition PbS.4PbCl2, is obtained by diluting a solution of lead sulphide in concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Lead Sulphobromides - PbS.PbBr2 and PbS.4PbBr2 can be prepared quite similarly to the corresponding sulphochlorides.

Lead Sulphoiodide PbS.4PbI2, may be obtained either by diluting a solution of lead sulphide in concentrated hydriodic acid, or by adding an aqueous solution of hydrogen sulphide to a solution of lead iodide in the same acid, or in concentrated potassium iodide solution.

Lead chlorothiobismuthite, PbS.Bi2S3.2BiSCl, and the corresponding bromo- and iodo-compounds have been prepared by Ducatte.

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