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Lead Oxalate, PbC2O4

Lead Oxalate, PbC2O4, is obtained as a white precipitate when lead salt and oxalate solutions are mixed. When heated to 300° C. out of contact with air it decomposes according to the equation:

2PbC2O4 = Pb2O + 3CO2 + CO.

Its solubility in water, determined by the conductivity method, is 0.61×10-5 gram-molecule per litre at 19.95° C. or 0.54×10-5 gram-molecule per litre at 18° C.; whilst, according to Bottger and Pollatz, the solubility at 25° C. is 0.0025 gram per litre by direct weighing, and 0.0018 gram per litre, estimated by means of conductivity.

The basic salt 3PbC2O4.7PbO.H2O (?) is formed by the interaction of lead hydroxide and a soluble oxalate, or by the action of caustic soda on the normal oxalate.

The preparation of PbC2O4.2PbO has also been recorded. The complex salt 2PbC2O4.2K2C2O4.5H2O is formed by acting on lead oxalate with potassium oxalate solution.

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