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Lead Iodate, Pb(IO3)2

Lead Iodate, Pb(IO3)2, is precipitated as a white powder when alkali iodate is added to lead nitrate solution. When heated it evolves iodine and oxygen, and leaves a mixture of lead iodide and oxide. Lead iodate is one of the numerous very slightly soluble salts whose solubilities in water have been deduced by Kohlrausch from the conductivities of their saturated solutions. It is accordingly found that 1 litre of a solution saturated at 18° C. contains 0.019 gram of Pb(IO3)2. The basic salt Pb(IO3)2.3PbO.2H2O has been prepared from lead hydroxide and sodium iodate solution, or by the action of sodium hydroxide on lead iodate. It is a white, crystalline powder.

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