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Lead Hyponitrite, Pb(NO)2

Lead Hyponitrite, Pb(NO)2, is formed by the interaction of sodium hyponitrite and lead acetate. The first result of mixing the two solutions is the formation of a white precipitate; but this on standing in contact with acetic acid becomes yellow and crystalline.

The white salt is the basic hyponitrite Pb(NO)2.PbO; the yellow crystalline salt is the pure hyponitrite Pb(NO)2. The former deflagrates when heated, the latter explodes. Both salts dissolve in dilute acids, and from the solution alkali precipitates the basic salt. According to Divers, however, freshly precipitated lead hyponitrite is cream-yellow, and is probably a hydrate, rather than a basic salt, which turns sulphur-yellow as it loses water.

The lead salt of nitrohydroxylamic acid, Pb(N2O3), is known.

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