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Lead Antimonate

A white precipitate of lead metantimonate is formed when a solution of antimonic acid is added to one of lead acetate. After drying in the air this precipitate has the composition Pb(SbO3)2.9H2O, but when dried over sulphuric acid it loses 7H2O leaving Pb(SbO3)2.2H2O, which may really be PbHSbO4.H3SbO4. The pigment known as Naples yellow is an antimonate of lead containing excess of lead oxide. It is prepared by heating just to fusion for two hours 1 part of tartar emetic, 2 parts of lead nitrate, and 4 parts of sodium chloride (Brunner), or by heating 1 part of potassium antimonate with 2 parts of red lead (Guimet). The product is washed with water, and a fine orange or yellow pigment results, which is employed in oil-painting and for staining glass and porcelain.

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