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Basic Lead Plumbate

A product intermediate between Pb3O4 and Pb2O3 exists, having the empirical composition Pb5O7.3H2O. Which may be written 3PbO.2PbO2.3H2O. It is obtained as an orange-coloured powder by precipitating with alkali hydroxide a solution of lead nitrate to which hydrogen peroxide has been added. It is not simply a mixture of lead monoxide and dioxide, since cold caustic alkali extracts none of the former oxide from it.

Another oxide, having the empirical composition Pb5O8, and containing 4.2 per cent, of active oxygen, is formed when the monoxide is heated with oxygen in a pressure furnace as long as combination takes place. This oxide, which is dark brown, and resembles lead dioxide in appearance, may be regarded as lead pyroplumbate, 2PbO.3PbO2 or Pb2(Pb3O8).

It should be added, however, that Reinders and Hamburger, who have studied the thermal dissociation of red lead and lead dioxide, do not confirm the existence of the intermediate oxides Pb2O3, Pb5O7, Pb5O8.

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