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Lead Applications


Lead is used in lead batteries, plant apparatus, resistant to aggressive media. Lead efficiently absorbs gamma- and X-rays, so it is used for radioactive protection (in containers, instruments etc.) Large lead quantities are utilized in electric cables covers, protective from corrosion and mechanical damage. Lead oxide PbO is used in crystal glass and optical glass increasing the refraction coefficient. Saturnine red, chromate, chrome yellow and lead basic carbonate (ceruse) are pigments of limited use. Lead chromate is oxidizer in analytical chemistry. Azide and lead styphnate (lead 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinate) used as components in primer and detonator mixtures for less sensitive explosives. Tetra-ethyl lead is a common anti-knock additive. Stable 204Pb and radioactive 212Pb are used as isotope indicators. Medical applications (only extrinsically) as binding materials and antiseptics; also lead water for skin and mucosae inflammatory disease treatment, lead plasters for skin pyoinflammatory disease and furunculus therapy etc.

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